All members are to adhere to and uphold the following:
Members must have Valid Insurance cover at all times during their membership with the club.
Members are responsible to make sure only members are flying, and report to the management of non-members that are flying at HEMAC.
Member’s badges, these will be issued to members and are to be worn at all times when at the Club to identify membership status.
When terminating your membership the badges must be returned back to management. The cost of replacement is $15 for any lost badge.
- ONLY the use of Electric powered model aircraft shall be flown at this club (unless permission is given otherwise).
- Members are required to clean up their own rubbish.
- Any defective batteries and/or broken models are to be taken home and disposed of appropriately by members.
- Smoking is to take place in designated areas only (See the large sign on container room)
- Only pilots with their Solo Wings may fly unsupervised. Learners are to seek a Solo pilot to supervise.
- No flying permitted on FIRE BAN Days.
Fire ban days can be confirmed via the CFA website:
Models may only be flown within the designated flying area and under the 400 feet ceiling required by CASA regulations at all times.
- All transmitters (except 2.4Ghz) must be impounded when not in use.
- All aircraft take offs including hand launches must be from the runway. Hand launches must be done towards the end of the runway upwind direction.
- No take offs to be made from behind the flight line
- All pilots will fly their aircraft from the flight line. Pilots may stand behind their aircraft during take off but must make their way into the pilot box immediately after takeoff.
- No flying over Flight Line, Pit Area, car park, any public area or beyond the designated flying area – SERIOUS DISCIPLINARY ACTION MAY RESULT.
- No Six Channel Helicopters are to be flown until further notice.
- All “Low passes” and their direction must be announced loudly and acknowledged by other pilots flying.
- Priority order for runway use is as follows:-
- Deadstick landings – (announce loudly “Deadstick!”)
- Powered landings – (announce loudly “Landing!”)
- Taxiing to clear the runway
- Takeoffs – (announce loudly “Taking Off!”)
- Taxiing to the take-off point
Before the flying of any models can commence, the container room will be opened and the fire extinguisher and first aid kit will be made accessible.
- Pre-flight checks of airframes and control surfaces are to be undertaken prior to flying a model and after a hard landing. (Refer to HEMAC preflight checklist)
- If you have any doubt about a model’s air-worthiness – DO NOT FLY IT.
- The connection and disconnection of main flight batteries is to take place only in the pit area and not in the car park or public area.
- All operating aircraft in the pits area will be physically restrained where possible.
- On returning to the pit area all motors must be stopped and batteries disconnected.
- Pilots will ensure their receivers are switched off or if it is on, make sure the transmitter is also on with the throttle set to low before connecting the main flight batteries to the speed controller.
- Only HEMAC members and accompanied visitors may enter the pit area.
- Intention to enter the flying area to physically recover a model must be clearly announced loudly and be acknowledged by all pilots flying before actually entering the flying area.
- All pilots flying must ensure that their models maintain an altitude of at least 30 metres and avoid flying over a person/s entering the flying area to perform a physical recovery of their model. Persons will loudly announce “ON THE FIELD” or “ON THE STRIP”, before entering the flying area and “OFF THE FIELD/STRIP” when the recovery is complete.
- Only pilots flying, under instruction, providing instruction, test flying a model or persons spotting for/assisting a pilot should enter the Flight Line.
- Persons, not a club member who wish to take photographs or video of models flying may only enter the pit area and/or Flight Line with the permission of and under the supervision of a club member.
- Members are to exercise the greatest care when charging their batteries at the field and monitor the charging process at all times.
- Batteries must not be charged on the grass.
- Any authorized officer present shall have the authority to act upon any dispute or issue of safety relating to the flying of model aircraft at the field and take any reasonable action required to address such issue, including if necessary the grounding of members and/or their model/s.
- In the absence of an authorized officer, all members present at the field shall be responsible for ensuring that breaches of safety or excessive noise levels are brought to the attention of the member concerned and shall report the member to the appropriate authority if the member disregards the advice given.
- Members who display a disregard for club rules will have their club membership and flying privileges terminated. FLIGHT
SAFETY OFFICER (When on duty)
- The Flight Safety Officer is to watch over all flight operations from the flight line and pilots must ask and be given permission for launch/takeoffs, landings, low passes, retrievals etc.
- The Flight Safety Officer has total authority on the flight line and must be obeyed at all times. Dangerous flying or flying outside the designated area (eg. over the pits area or over the houses) will not be tolerated and pilots will be asked to land their aircraft immediately. Solo Pilots are expected to be in full control of their aircraft at all times and in all weather conditions.
- All aircraft must be grounded whilst mowing or field maintenance is in progress.
All flying activities are allowed to be conducted 7 days a week.
8am to 8pm Mon – Fri
9am to 8pm Sat-Sun and public holidays.
Night flying is not permitted.
- Children must be supervised at all times and may not enter the pit area or flying area except under the direct control of an adult member.
- Pets are to be leashed at all times and are not allowed beyond the spectator’s area. Owners must clean up after their pets. Owners are fully responsible for any damages caused by their pets.
- The club member will assume full responsibility for their visitor at all times and will personally supervise their flying. Those visiting only to watch must remain in the spectator’s area unless supervised by a club member.
- Any potential new member is required to be signed in the club visitor book by a club member before being permitted to fly.
- A potential new member (or visiting AMAS member) may only fly one time at HEMAC before being required to become a member of the club.
- Membership of AMAS does not entitle a person to membership of HEMAC or the use of the flying field.
- AMAS members are required to sign the visitor book and be signed in by a club member.
- ALL visitors MUST comply with all club rules and CASA regulations whilst flying.
- Visitors are not allowed at HEMAC unless a club member is present.
- Members will have access to the main gate and must ensure that the gates are locked after entering and exiting. At no stage should the main gates be left open.
- All padlock combinations/keys are for use by HEMAC members only and must not be given to any non-club member.
- Members should take all precautions to prevent others from seeing the combination when unlocking/locking the padlocks.
- Padlock combinations/keys will be changed as required.
- In the case of unauthorized entry or use of the club field, the person/s should first be politely asked to leave. If they refuse then they are trespassing and Police should be called. HEMAC is the lawful occupier of the area.
- Cars are to be parked in the parking area only. (Hobbyzone Vehicles exempted).
Feel free to unload your models & equipment first before finally parking in the car park.
There is no legal regulations specifically governing model aircraft noise and given that there are no houses in close proximity to our airfield, no noise restrictions are currently in place. However, this will be subject to change should issues arise.
1. Neither HobbyZone nor the lessee can be held accountable for any damage or injury to persons or property. Anyone who enters HEMAC premises does so at their own risk.
2. All flyers are fully responsible for any damage to persons or property caused by their aircraft.
3. All members must have insurance for RC flying with a minimum coverage of $20,000,000 and are responsible for keeping their insurance current.
4. Any incident must be reported to the administration immediately.
5. Memberships are not permanent and may be revoked at any time without notice. Revoked members will have the remainder of their unused months refunded. This does not include insurance costs.
NOTE: HEMAC rules and regulations may be changed at any time without notice.